San Joaquin Kannada Sangha (SJKS) is an all-volunteer 501(C)(3) corporation bearing EIN # 84-2615041. All contributions and donations to SJKS are tax deductible, so please donate generously. SJKS has been established to invite and bring together Kannadigas (people from Karnataka – a state in India) living in San Joaquin county to: celebrate, preserve and promote the culture, heritage and language facets of Karnataka and, be engaged in socially responsible activities like giving time and effort for volunteering, service projects and drives for charitable causes. Read More…
Upcoming Activities
SJ County Recognition

SJKS wishes to be transparent and ensure donors, members, volunteers, board members, and other stakeholders understand its financial health and become engaged and committed to helping, so SJKS can receive more resources and contributions. Please be considerate with how SJKS treats ‘need to know” vs. “confidential” information in making it available. Read More…