
Community Projects

Community projects differ from volunteering service because they involve creating tangible need based civic assets. They can be different in size and scope and be driven by a community’s need. They may involve setting up a library at the local children’s hospital, starting a community garden, raise money to build a playground, paint park benches etc.

People get involved in community projects because they understand a particular project is either useful, needed or critically useful or because a design idea dear to someone’s heart will be a great gift and a civic asset if executed. Such projects get executed and driven by a sheer belief in an idea. Doing a community project either way needs volunteers and resources to bring to fruition.


SJKS offers volunteering opportunities to serve inside and outside the community. Being a registered 501(C)(3), SJKS is recognized by Mountain House High School to offer certified student volunteer hours, when students serve. Efforts will be made to get recognition from other school districts for SJKS to be able to issue certified volunteer hours. Some volunteering opportunities may require wearing a particular SJKS promotional attire, jersey or badge as a rule. Community volunteering means working for others in the community selflessly without a remuneration, reward or a benefit. It is based on making personal sacrifices for the greater good of the society. It may however in some cases be performed for objectives like citizenship requirements, criminal justice, penalties, school or class requirements or certain benefits etc.

Practical forms of volunteering may involve advocating for social causes, serving homeless shelters, or giving out food supplies to people in need, as examples.

Community Seminars

Seminars typically are offered to provide information on topics the community is grappling with or is interested to know or generally benefits from. The seminars also provide opportunity to constructively debate, discuss and engage with one another and help to:

  • Stay informed. Get reliable information and build knowledge on important topics
  • Bring own ideas to the table and share an important perspective to shape community opinions

It is a self-service activity to help people with information provided by a professional without having to pay for it. Attendees typically gain perspectives on a subject or a challenge they face and can effectively put the gained information to good use.

Typical seminars could be about subjects like Tax planning, savings and Investment planning, Estate planning, real estate services planning, college admission planning etc. Presenters will typically be practitioners, field experts or business operators, who care for the community and are passionate about the field.

We invite speakers on our annual roster. To be included on SJKS roster, please provide the following details:

  • A brief bio, but with a link to a detailed website or bio area
  • A brief list of recent speaking engagements (places and topics addressed)
  • Why do you think you would be a great speaker for community event
  • Why it would benefit our community audience
  • How can you be contacted

Basic components of your last speaking engagement should include:

  • The name, venue and date of the event
  • The theme or focus of the event